April 23, 2012

Inspiration Column: Energize


After a long and rainy weekend of being sick on the couch, consuming almost an entire box of green tea and catching up on some favorite movies, I'm itching for a bit of energy today. I also took some time to re-evaluate the energy and direction of Yours Truly. I'm finding it challenging lately to post solely about pretty paper, and as a result have lacked in posting over the last few months. As smitten as a I get over a beautifully printed botanical wedding suite or lush edge painted business cards, I'm realizing that there are more topics that rouse my creative inspirations, and that it shouldn't feel unseemly to embrace those ideas on the blog.

I loved this post by The Everygirl on What to Do When You Don't Yet Know Your Purpose. Even if you recognize your passion, it can be frustrating and disappointing to not know what direction to head in. I'm hoping to conquer that and head in a new and confident direction. How do you energize your creative inspirations when you're feeling adrift?

{Photo credits} Row 1: The Nichols via Style Me Pretty / Gloucester's Rudder's Ruby Red Martini via Northshore Mag / She-n-He Photography for Camille Styles / Row 2: Chewing the Cud Invites photographed by Stephanie Williams via Apartment 34 / Row 3: Wedding Chicks via Pinterest / Anthropologie Osman Chair / The Hungry Workshop via Oh Joy / Row 4: Design Mom / Antiquaria for 100 Layer Cake / Kitchen Essentials for The Everygirl

1 comment:

  1. Girl, I needed this in my life today. I know what you're feeling. You are a strong, driven and creative woman and I know you will get to where you want to be. Remember: just put one foot in front of the other. It's the easiest, most basic idea I've kept with me to help me in my journey.


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