Searching for and buying your first new home brings a plethora of emotions which I am experiencing this very moment. Shawn and I are patiently awaiting a counter offer for a condo we are interested in and all the while, I can't help but dream about where I'll hang pictures and what I'll be cooking in my lovely new kitchen or how we'll be grilling on the porch in the summertime. I'm trying to not get too ahead of myself here but it's reeeallly hard. So of course, this morning I'm catching up on my blogs and I find
these via
Oh So Beautiful Paper.

Adorable, right? I thought so. I'd like to see this in a post card format too. I did post cards this year for Christmas and paying half the postage and not having to stuff a ton of envelopes was kind of nice for a change. Check out more letterpress goodies at the
Spring Olive Etsy shop.
(Photo courtesy of Spring Olive)
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